
Today is bittersweet. The excitement started yesterday knowing that the kids would enjoy superhero day at school today. Then Isannah’s on and off again cough started to sound different and she was a little off when night time came. She didn’t have a good night so a doctor’s visit was in order. As I dressed Gio in his Spiderman costume this morning he was sad that Isannah wasn’t going to school with him and so was she. Once Gio and I got to school he noticed all the other costumes and turned to me and said Isannah is the real superwoman. He hugged me and said he would wait for Isannah. When I told him again she wouldn’t come he made a sad face but couldn’t control the happiness he felt for being in his super cool costume. Back at the house I have Isannah enjoying her superwoman powers as we wait to see the doctor. Fun will be had by all. I will make sure of it.

After superwoman(because she is not supergirl as she stated early on so there was no confusion) flew around the house for the 12th time, meaning over my arms as I helped her fly, my arms were about to fall off no matter how many times she said, “higher mommy higher” I couldn’t lift her any longer. As I was explaining that even superheroes needed a break the doctor called. The sound of the ring was truly music to my ears. The doctor was ready for us so we made our way partially flying to his office. After superwoman followed all of doctors instructions she was cleared for take off. It was nothing more than a stubborn cold that was causing a post nasal drip which made my sweet baby girls cough sound worse than it was. After Isannah showed the doctor her superwoman powers he gave her the clearance to go to school today. I made absolutely sure the doctor and the teacher were fine with the decision.

Isannah was beaming when we got to her school and I knew that Giovanni would be all smiles to see her. She was just in time for the superhero dance and outdoor play. Fun was definitely had by all. Way to go, superheroes!!  


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2 thoughts on “Superheroes

  1. Kate says:

    Keep these coming. Sorry I don’t comment often but kids on my end keep me more than busy. Nice to hear another mothers stories. Superheroes day is fun thing is kids don’t want to take off their costumes.

  2. Francesca says:

    Hi Kate,
    It’s nice to know I have readers out there that can relate. I completely understand how busy you get, I’m just so happy you have some time to read my posts. I hope I am able to help in some way. I welcome all comments long or short. Thank you again for making the time to write. It means a lot and keeps me focused to write more.
    Have a wonderful evening.

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