Good-bye feeding log

Today I closed the book for the last time. I can’t believe it was my last entry in Gio and Isa’s daily feeding log. I started it when we brought them home and didn’t stop writing in it until today. It was so hard to close knowing I wouldn’t write in it again. I know that may sound silly but it was my security blanket so to speak. The one thing I could control which gave me peace and comfort. The big question was if I was going to start a new journal and continue to log every meal. This is when I took a deep breath and told myself no. They are both doing well, no more wires, machines just two incredibly sweet, loving, adoring, fun, healthy gorgeous babies. It was time for me to close that chapter and continue to enjoy stuffing their mouths with whatever they enjoy and makes them happy;-) We are ok now and I can let go just a little. Let the new chapters begin and fill our lifetime book.