Two Docs are in!

The doc is in! Doc McStuffins times two that is. It was an interesting rest of the day once Nonna surprised Gio and Isa with the coolest Doc McStuffins dolls. The light in their eyes when they saw these huge dolls sent chills behind my ears. I saw the smiles hugely appear on their faces and goosebumps covered both my arms. It was a sweet moment of appreciation and love. Nonna said her good-byes and Gio and Isa remained hugging Doc McStuffins. They sang to her and told her stories about ouchies. The conversations were sweet and pure. Then all of a sudden Nonna reappeared with another surprise. Each were given the big book of boo boos and from that moment on it was nothing but happy chatter and repairs throughout our home.

Both Gio and Isa would ask, “what’s hurting you? Once they heard a response they grabbed their big book of boo boos and began to scribble inside. This went on for about 30 minutes along with laughter, healing and repair remedies. From time to time they would stop their scribbling to pick up the Doc McStuffins doll and kiss her and whisper I love you in the purest sweetest voice you ever did hear. The kids were sharing, repairing and laughing for long periods of time. This Doc McStuffins character really brought more love and kindness into our home. I’m enjoying the kids fixing all my booboos, taken notes and sealing it with a kiss.

Two Docs are in!  

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Making the basket

It was basketball time in our home tonight. The basketball hoop made it’s way back on the main floor and the kids were ready to slam balls in the hoop. Excitement bounced off the walls along with the balls. It was electrifying watching them play. The cheers that filled the room had the laughs rolling. The kids no longer needed us to lift them to make a hoop. They were tall enough to reach the hoop on their own and actually make shots one after another. The giggles after each basket and oh’s after each miss filled my heart with happiness. I felt that my insides were going to explode with all the love that was filling it. At one point as Giovanni was shooting the ball he screamed over and over, “Go Gio Go, Go Gio Go.” Cheering himself on with the biggest smile which in turn had my husband and I chanting the same thing. His reach was perfect and the ball went in the hoop. He continued cheering himself on while doing a little dance. It was the sweetest most cutest thing ever. Isa liked to position herself right at the hoop so she could easily make the shot. The smile on that girls face brought sunshine in our home. The interactive play and ball talk continued for another 20 minutes. I was able to enjoy the sounds around me and smile myself. At one point, I just stood still and stared. Both Gio and Isa broke my stare by screaming my name as if it was my turn to play. I picked up a ball and made my way to the hoop. The kids cheered as they proudly said, “Good job, mommy” for some reason I felt as though I made a 3 pointer from miles away.

These two really know how to make you feel loved, appreciated and thankful. See you at the next game!

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To my sister…


My heart aches for my sister. I know this will be a difficult day for her as my parents depart today. Visits are always bittersweet as you cry with excitement upon arrival and you cry at departure for sadness. The visits are always fun filled. The time is spent with love and all the right touches all around until that day before when you know tomorrow will be another hard day to let go. Until next time always seems so long.  The meaning to those words tend to make you even sadder as you know “until next time” doesn’t come soon enough.  I wish there was a way you could blink and be somewhere without  flying/traveling. I wish we could all be together for the many hugs and family laughter but since we can’t the closeness we feel will always be in our hearts. Sending a big hug to my sister today and every day to comfort her during this time.


Picture frames

Finally it’s that time of night where the kids are finally in a deep sleep and I can just lie down and let the couch swallow my every inch. Let out a sigh of relief and catch up on the activities that took place around me. This is my quiet time, our quiet time and I’m glad I got here. Now that you know how relaxed I am you will understand my reaction to what happened next. The loudest friggin banging, glass crashing, stair stomping sound exploded from the floor above us. My husband sat straight up and looked at me. Our reactions were priceless as we tried to figure out who or what was up there. My husband quickly made his way upstairs while shouting at me to turn the video camera on. I see nothing in the darkness accept shadows of the man I love ready to make his own noise. I find my way to the top of the stairs to see the beautiful arrangement of frames that I carefully selected and picked to guide the stairwell came crashing down. Not all but some. It was a domino effect that caused frames and glass to bang into each other before exploding on each step. Glass made it’s way in the toughest of places to clean. As quietly as possible my husband and I cleaned all we could in the dark of night not to wake the twins who amazingly slept right through.
Exposed brick walls are beautiful and add a warmth and personality to a home but boy does it suck to hang frames on. It’s going to be a fun day tomorrow making sure no one finds glass. Wish us lu

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Today’s breeze

I took a moment today just to breathe. I walked outside alone and just let myself be. Immediately I felt the breeze wrap around me. My shoulders relaxed and a weight gently lifted. There’s something about today’s wind that is really doing something to this body of mine. If you are out there today, close your eyes, take a deep breath and let the wind whirl around you caressing every bit of your body and soul. This is a must once in a while.
Enjoy your day and let the innocent beauty of today’s breeze shower over you and rejuvenate your soul.

The white butterfly

Mom came over to spend time with us before her departure tomorrow. My mom has a way of easing my aura without doing anything. From the moment I see her I feel myself relax. From the moment she hugs me my body calms and I feel safe. I don’t think she realizes just how her presence can help me and change the negative I sometimes feel inside.

We all decided to blow bubbles and enjoy the kids laughter and popping excitement. The giggles filled the deck while bubbles big and small drifted away. As the bubbles flew around mom decided to brave the mosquitoes from down below. The garden area was filled with weeds after the days of rain fall. Mom began clearing while I watched mosquitoes surround her legs and arms. She must be wonder woman because known dared to bite her. As I watched in amazement of this beautiful woman gracefully moving around the yard an angelic BIG white butterfly flew around her. Sometimes touching her shoulders as she worked. Flying around her head and shoulders touching down on her from time to time. When I told mom about this beautiful butterfly she said to me without hesitation that is was my Nonna. She began to explain that Nonna used to love working in the yard so this was her joining us. My body felt such a happiness and I felt her too. At one point the butterfly flew straight up. So high up that I could no longer see her and then in seconds came straight down to grace us with her presence again. She just continued to fly all around mom. It was a calming awakening, if that makes sense.

Thank you mom for being my calm, peace, and love today. Thank you Nonna for taken a moment from Heaven to bring your beauty to us once again. I love and miss you every day. 

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Playing together

Love the times when the kids actually play together. I could just sit there and stare at them for hours. Well, if it actually lasted that long. I love the bond that is forming. The connecting that is taken place and the generous sibling love blossoming right before me. I enjoy the quiet times that I have to immediately look over to locate them to make sure something not wrong when all of the sudden it gets quiet. Then when I see them whispering, giggling and just being I beam with happiness. From fear comes immediate joy. It’s amazing how you can go from one extreme to the next in seconds.

Whether it’s building a lego train together or playing doctor the kindness I see in them warms my heart and confirms that we are doing something right in the midst of the craziness. I love hearing the encouragement they give to each other and the pats on the back that goes on. If Isannah falls or gets hurt Gio immediately checks to see if she is ok. His sweet words, OK, Isa? She responds, I’m OK. Then back they go to playing together. It’s moments like these that put all the other things going on to rest so you can enjoy the times that count.