Morning after Christmas

The morning after Christmas while Giovanni, Isannah and I walked downstairs Giovanni smiled with excitement. He paused on the steps so he could take the picture in front of him in. The Christmas tree lights were on and the train tracks along with the trains that Santa brought him the day before were still set up all around the living room floor. He looked up at me and yelled “it’s still here.” My heart filled with pure joy as I told him, yes it’s still here. Santa left it for you. He turned to me and asked, “we keep it?” I couldn’t help but scoop him up into my arms, squeeze him as tight as I could without crushing him and kissing his cute smiling cheeks. Of course, I told him. These are your Christmas gifts from Santa. He made the most interesting face followed by smiles and laughter. This little sweet boy thought those gifts were for a day and once Christmas was over the gifts would return. The pure innocence, joy and appreciation on Isannah and Giovanni’s face made tears stream down my face. I couldn’t believe how excited they both were. It was Christmas all over again. Isannah walked over to her horse castle and looked over at me to ask if she could play with it. I nodded and smiled and she began beaming. The trains turned on. The horses klipped and klopped along the castle ramps and the room was filled with the joys of Christmas all over again. This was the best Christmas ever. The joy of giving, the love and spirit of the holidays live in our hearts every day and fill our homes with life.

May the joy, warmth and love of the holidays fill your home. May each of you feel as though you are a child again with the excitement of Santa in your heart and the twinkle of happiness in your eyes. Let us remember the beauty of Christmas and all that it holds.

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Pink Elephant

Waking up in the dark to a tiny voice crying your name is like a confusing dream. You try to get out of bed but some strong force holds you down so you struggle and embarrassingly win. You zombie walk to the trail of that voice, eyes still closed to find a stuffed animal on the floor and that tiny voice SCREAM I dropped my elephant, PICK IT UP. I had no idea what was going on. I pick up the elephant hand it to Isa and she latches on my arm like zombies are after her. I pick her up to hear is Nonna downstairs. Really? No, it’s not even 6 go back to bed. Too late, she was already in my arms and we were stumbling down the stairs. I’m still trying to shake being yelled out about an elephant this morning. Sigh…yawn!

Good bye twinkle twos

Today I needed an innocently sweet heart to bring light and love into my life. I found it in Giovanni. As I was getting his sister ready for her last ballet class. Giovanni turned to Isa and said, “that’s a beautiful skirt. You look beautiful, Isa.” My heart so delicate in state that the kindness that poured from his mouth and shown in his eyes hugged my heart like a huge band aid. He was so proud of her in class today. We both were. It was parents observation and we were both able to watch Isannah perform in her classroom. Giovanni stayed silently on my lap. With all the things going on and as much as he wanted to join, he stayed strong and just sat. He smiled at his sister and my eyes filled with tears. What an emotionally proud day.


Last ballet class

Through the doors of preschool

I walked through the preschool door to hear the teacher announce to Giovanni that his mommy was here. Out of nowhere I saw this sweet beaming boy pop out of the side wall. A smile as big as the world, running towards me while maneuvering around other students and teachers to make his way into my open arms. My heart just about exploded as I heard him yelling mommy, mommy, mommy the entire way. I can’t possibly put into words the happiness, pure love, joy and appreciation I felt at that moment. As if everything I was trying so hard to do as a mommy was confirmed in that one moment. A moment that is now imprinted in my heart. This is what it’s all about. Isannah and Giovanni completed their first full morning at school. They each explained in giggling detail all that happened at school today. I was giggling myself along with beaming with pride and unconditional love. These two miracles walking along side of me are mine. I still can’t believe they started preschool. Who am I kidding, I can’t believe they are walking and talking. They are two little people now and each day they grow even bigger but not just in size but in heart, in love and in gratitude. May every mother’s first day of school be just as powerful and may it be a confirmation of all the hard work you each face on a daily basis. 

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