Totally 80s Auction

From ponytails to fluorescent bands. Neon colors, Pac-Man, and Adidas gear everywhere. Surrounded by music blasting, bodies moving and I Want to Dance with Somebody filling the night sky. Laughter and smells of alcohol on the breaths of friends you just met and those you have known since the beginning of when it all started. Joy, laughter, everyone coming together for one beautiful cause, to raise money for a school, a community that has been our second home for several years. 

Welcome back to the 80s Auction. A bittersweet event. Seeing the many faces that fill the halls of our elementary school. Teachers and staff, past teachers that have grown into beautiful friendships, staff that make it all happen, volunteers bringing families together for a night out after two years. 

There are many things to take in through this experience. Many positive, loving and knowledgeable moments, and a very few not so pleasant but the quick resolve and support helps keep the positive flowing. The genuine love and care from teachers we’ve had can never be put into words just how appreciative we are. 

Little moments of growth between friends, not friends, and then friends again all come together. 

This night here, looking around, all I can do is smile, and maybe quietly shed a few tears because I know this school year is coming to an end. Soon Graduation, Senior week and all the beautiful festivities that follow. 

What a night! What a few years. 

School begins, memories, emotions, loss, sadness and hope. All things wrapped up in one day.

Summer is coming to an end and a new school year begins. This year the kids will be in 5th grade. Give me a second to let that sink in… Holy cow, 5th grade! I can’t believe come Monday my two beautiful miracles will be walking the halls of their elementary school for the last year. They will be the oldest kids in the school and the doors will open for new activities and events leading up to their last days of elementary school. How did this happen? 

I remember the days it all started and how many challenges they faced right from the start. Parents would tell me to enjoy every moment of it because the time will pass and you won’t realize how important all those moments were. At the time, exhausted and afraid I thought the time would never pass but boy was I wrong. My 2lb 10oz and 4lb 12oz miracle babies are growing and thriving each day. And those days led us here. Their 5th grade year. 

Leading up to the beginning of the school year teachers send out letters to families introducing themselves to make the teacher “Meet and Greet” not so surprising. It also gives the kids some comfort knowing a little story about each teacher. As the letters were coming, we noticed that a lot of my daughter’s friends were not in her class. Most were in one class and some were spread out. She was really excited to have her friends together for her last year of elementary school but that wasn’t showing to happen. 

At that point she turned to me and said, “it’s ok mommy, I will make more friends in my new class.” What a grown up answer, I thought. I felt more at ease until the Meet and Greet. We got to meet her wonderful teachers. They were amazing and kind. She was happy to see them. It wasn’t until later and after she played with all her friends in the schoolyard that she felt a little down. I guess it hit her that she wouldn’t be in class with any of her close friends for her last school year. 

It will be a little different but so were the last couple of years with Covid. Things are rapidly changing every day and we need to stay positive and keep moving forward. It’s amazing how the kids have been at the same school since pre-k. Growing in a building as they have each year becomes like a second home. They see many familiar faces and welcoming staff and teachers that played a part in their life and create beautiful memories that will be with them always. We have been really fortunate with the amazing teachers we’ve had through the years. Reflecting back on this journey has me both crying and smiling. I will keep the faith that both my kids are right where they need to be to help them grow and explore this new and final year at their school. Maybe I am just a ball of emotions right now. 

So many things are happening all at once and my head and heart are feeling heavy.

In just the past week I have been to two funerals and that is not counting the others before that week. 

Today will be another one. Today is also September 11. Not only are we remembering all those that lost their life 20 years ago on that tragic September day. I am thinking of one very special friend who lost her life in one of the towers. She was kind and beautiful. I had the gift of being her friend and knowing her in elementary and when I moved, I enjoyed the many letters we exchanged through the years. She touched many lives and still does. 

Today I’m also remembering the many lives that are taken by COVID and just the loss that happens every day. Not only because COVID. So many lives are leaving us. Today is a heavy day felt all around the world, not just here. Today is the day for us to all mourn together in our own way. 

I would like to extend comforting healing hugs to all that are mourning a loss today. All those who are dealing with something so great that they are feeling alone. You are never alone. There is always someone there. Thinking of you. Praying for you and just smiling because someone said your name. 

I want to wish teachers, school staff, families and students all starting a new school year safety and good health. I hope this year is better than last and continues to be strong. May we each feel comfort in knowing our kids and families will be safe. 

Sorry. I told you I was all over the place with emotions.