Baseball, Ballet, and Gilmore Girls

I feel like I’ve been dropping the ball lately. There are so many wonderful things going on and that have gone on. There are definitely a few not so great things but we will focus on the ones that keep us smiling and moving forward. As for the rest, I will privately reflect and get better. 

Let’s see, we had Giovanni’s playoff baseball game which he rocked, causing the team to go into extra innings by tying at the bottom of the last inning with two outs, two strikes and no one on base. He got on first, stole 2nd, 3rd, and came home, scoring the tying run bringing the game into extra innings. Although his team lost, we made up several runs and kept the game alive. I LOVE baseball and enjoy watching it so much but watching my son play and hearing his name being cheered by his team and families filled my eyes with tears. I’m so proud of him. He definitely was MVP of that game and of my heart. 

From cheering and on the edge of your seat excitement of the playoff game we made our way to see the graceful, beautiful beats, modern dance, and flowing ballet of Cobble Hill Ballet. Isannah had two wardrobe changes and two performances at the theater and man were they amazing. 

Each year Isannah performs, whether it’s the Nutcracker or her Spring Shows she leaves me in awe. Absolutely speechless from her poised and graceful performances. I’ve watched her grow each year on stage. Each year she gets stronger and stronger. Her improvement can not be explained on paper but watched through each movement she makes. She is truly breathtaking and I am so honored and proud to be able to see it all. 

The effort and dedication these two put into what they love fills me with joy. 

We also celebrated birthdays on birthdays. Too many to list. We celebrated the lives of family and friends. 

NJHS ceremony and recognition. School field trips, and many volunteering experiences. 7th grade has been quite the year. Getting to know moms through our PA volunteering has been a blessing. I met some really loving women that I hold dear to me. Friendships made this year have been rewarding. We were even gifted a dinner to celebrate all the hardwork and dedication the PA puts into our school. It was a night of laughs, stories, and gratitude. Another night that is placed in the book of happiness and growth. 

We can’t forget the Gilmore Girls mother daughter trip we experienced together. I personally always wanted to explore the small town feel of a real Stars Hollow like in the series but never had someone to share it with until now. I introduced Gilmore Girls to my daughter and she was hooked as I was all those years ago. From the first episode the bond we were making was becoming even stronger with each episode. It was a story and a journey I wanted her to experience. There were heartbreaking string pulling teaching moments and happy beautifully executed love, hope, encouragement, and friendship moments. All in one it was the best part of education on life and the bond of a mother and daughter. This is what I was and am sharing with my daughter. 

We enjoyed take out in our room at the Inn. Stayed at the most perfect place. Enjoyed the town’s center, the green, the gazebo and more. We checked off every box on this beautiful trip. It was about our exploration together of the tv show we love so much. A weekend I will never forget. 

Last night was our last episode of the series. The cries were loud and the hurt of saying good bye once more was felt as strongly as the first time and for Isannah her first time was now. It’s hard to let go of a series you bonded, learned, and became friends with every character but as all things this too had to end. 

Fear not though, A Year In The Life is ready to be watched. Isannah is lucky that she didn’t have to wait 10+ years for that much needed continuation. Now to mentally prepare for each and final episodes once more before the Gilmore Girls tour is over but in our hearts will always remain. 

We have so much more but there is much to do as another school year will end in just a few days. 

Thank you for walking on this journey with me and through every moment we’ve shared together. 

Until next time…

The Nutcracker 5

As the whirlwood of the weekend fades away I am able to finally process it all and put pen to paper. Well, fingertips to keys. This weekend was Nutcracker weekend for Isannah and she was beaming with excitement. All her hard work and dedication led up to this moment. From her Saturday rehearsals to her long run throughs it all came together this Saturday with her first show. 

She danced throughout the house any chance she had to move. From leg raises to the leaps  and twirls, she did it all. Ever gracefully dancing around any room she entered just to practice. 

She loves doing what she does and she loves ballet. This past weekend was what it was all about. She was ready!

As always, I had a ticket for each one of her shows. I couldn’t imagine not being in the audience or not supporting her in every way. The only difference was this year was the first year I volunteered to help backstage. I was nervous at first but as I went to my station my shoulders relaxed and I felt at ease knowing I was right where I needed to be. Being backstage opened my eyes to a new view of the show. Watching the rehearsals and seeing all the kids rush and get dressed. Asking for adjustments and help with costumes. The giggles and excitement was apparent in all they did. After helping with costumes and hair, it was time for me to make my way to my seat. Right when I got there the lights dimmed twice alerting the audience that the show was about to begin. Then the lights slowly went down and the stage lit up. I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with emotions. 

As each vignette began I reflected on all the past parts Isannah had. When the mice made their way to the stage I imagined Isannah as a baby in that group of little faces. I remembered the enthusiasm she had knowing she had a part in the Nutcracker. She was a mouse years ago when it all began. I remembered how enthusiastic she was to be a part of it. As I watched the show her baby face disappeared and I was brought back to this moment. Seeing her face in each past roll that made their way to the stage made me feel the same as the first. The anticipation knowing she would be up in just a few more dances had me on the edge of my seat. And then the all too familiar music began to play and there she was. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I watched as she gracefully moved around the stage. Her arms were perfect and the positions beautiful. Through tear filled eyes I watched as my baby girl was no longer a baby. She was a beautiful tall and strong ballerina. The song ended and she made her way off the stage. I just sat back in admiration of her.

I saw the show a total of 4 times that weekend and each time I felt the same. She was amazing. From her facial expressions to her emotions with each move she made, I was in silent wonderment. 

The amazing teachers and staff at Cobble Hill Ballet make it all happen every year. They are wonderful and so are all the kids big and small. Thank you for all the direction, support, and spark that started Isannah’s adoration of the ballet. 

I love this girl of mine. Leap and fly as high and far as the wind carries you. I’m so proud of you.

What a weekend! 

Natural Colors of our Planet

Last Sunday was Isannah’s ballet performance in the city. She performed in Natural Colors of our Planet. 

I was filled with so many emotions that it’s been so hard finding the words to express all that I’m feeling. She has been in many ballet recitals, shows each year. She also performs every year in the Nutcracker. We just watched her perform in the Nutcracker this past year and she blew my mind then. Each year I watch her I can see her growth and love for all that she does. But this performance left me speechless and in awe of her grace. Her arms flowed effortlessly and each movement was so captivating. I felt like I was in a trance just watching her. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She looked taller and more agile. As if she was being pulled by a string carrying her through every move. Her hand positions and arms flowed with each movement she took. Her face expressed each move she was embracing. Then that smile. Oh that smile, of pure joy, happiness and belonging. 

The progression in her movements showed her growth. I felt like I was no longer looking for that looking girl on stage. She was one of the big girls. I didn’t want the song to end because it meant the dance was over. 

I watched all the girls as they moved around the stage making their way to their final position. Then I saw her, my beautiful daughter, and I took one deep inhale and held it as long as I could before releasing it as she flew off the stage. 

It was a Mother’s Day I will remember for all my years until my memory fades and then my heart will remember.

Nutcracker Weekend Ends

This weekend is coming to an end and now I can sit back, take it all in and exhale. It was a beautiful weekend that began with Isannah’s rehearsal. Then family and friends came together to watch Isannah light up the stage with all the amazing talent at the Ballet. My husband and I were able to enjoy time in the city in between shows. It was as though we were years back during our dating phase when we were able to just be. Enjoy the city, lunch and each other’s company. It was a little “us” time. 

Then time was passing and another show was getting ready to start. The excitement was real and my eyes began to water once again. I could stare at her all night long. Performing, smiling behind the mask and showing so much emotion and excitement through her eyes. She was in her element and I was the beaming proud mama in the audience. 

When the show was over we saw some more family and a special friend that came out to support her. It was beautiful coming together. Isannah came out all smiles and met with all that were present. Asher, Isannah and I drove back and talked all about the shows. She was tired but excited. Still flying on that performance high but she was slowly coming down. 

We arrived home to find a little Christmas mishap with the dog and our window decorations or lack of them. 

Isannah rested a little before she and I headed out to pick up Giovanni who was with my parents visiting Santa and enjoying some popcorn at my father’s club. Isannah and I pulled up and saw the snow filling the sky from a snow machine for the special event. We could hear the happy live Christmas music from the car and once we opened the door and got out we were surrounded by smiling faces, laughs that you could hear from a mile away, the smells of hot chocolate, buttered popcorn and cotton candy led the way. The sounds and smells of Christmas were hugging us as we walked.

The closer we got the more we could see him. The loud sounds of Santa with the biggest belly laugh and horses moving around towards him. I guess reindeer and a sleigh couldn’t walk the streets of downtown BK. 

I looked past the big red and white suit and saw that sweet boy face in the middle of it all. Giovanni was smiling and skipping around with snowflakes in his hair. He ran over to us with excitement on his face and hands filled with treats to give to his sister. He showed her around while Nonno and Nonna were making their way towards me. It was a beautiful scene like in an old Christmas movie but while looking up it seemed as though someone shook the snowglobe and we were all in it. 

The snow is still filling the air around us. The kids danced with Nonna and Nonno and we all hugged before walking away with jingling Santa scarfs, treat bags and yummy popcorn. 

It was a beautiful weekend which ended as it began with smiles and family.

Nutcracker Ready

Today and leading up today has been a wind whirl of emotions but one emotion that is consistent is joy. Overwhelming joy and awe. I am in awe of Isannah and her dedication. Tonight is the big full cast dress rehearsal of the Nutcracker in the city. She has been dedicated since day one, never missing a rehearsal even when there was a huge and very important family event, she knew she needed to be at rehearsal. She didn’t want to let the cast and teachers down.

She loves ballet but gets truly excited beyond words to be able to dance in the Nutcracker. She practices at home often and she even remembers other dancers’ moves, especially Clara. One of her dreams is to play Clara in the Nutcracker. I’m sure with her hard work and continued love for ballet she will get there.

Tomorrow is the big day and she is in both performances. It’s always emotional when I see her on stage but when I know she is doing what she loves most, my heart beams with joy. There is no holding back the tears. As much as I try not to cry, tears sneak out and it’s a moment like no other.
Isannah will be performing in the city! What a big girl. What an amazing ballerina. What a beautiful heart.

Making dreams come true.

What a weekend!

Big things happened this weekend. Saturday was a really special and important day. It was recital time. Isannah worked so hard on her ballet dance. It was the first in person, on a stage platform performance since COVID began. This was HUGE especially because the Nutcracker was cancelled and so was the summer in person recital she’s done every year. Due to COVID families were limited to one guest per show. Isannah was torn as she really wanted her dad to see her dance too. There was a little conflict since it was also Giovanni’s baseball game and Asher is assistant coach. The timing was tough but since we were limited to one guest, I confirmed a spot to be there. 

Just a couple of days before her recital strict restrictions were lifted slightly and another guest was allowed to come to her recital. Isannah was beaming with joy as this meant her dad could be there too. 

Here’s the little hiccup, Giovanni’s game was still at the same time and he needed to get there. We spoke to Giovanni to see if he felt comfortable walking through the park from the baseball fields to the entrance without us. He said he was. We had amazing baseball parents look over him during the game but he would walk to meet my parents outside the park on his own. 

This allowed Asher time to get to the recital, which he did, with plenty of time to see Isannah before she went in to get ready. Although, I was confident Giovanni could do it, as a parent so many scenarios run through your mind. 

It was recital time and the parents were allowed to enter the venue. Asher and I found our seats and I couldn’t help but just stare at Isannah. She was in position and she looked so beautiful. I can see her nerves behind her smile even through the mask she had on but that made her even more stunning. I got chills as the music began to play and her confidence was back. Her face changed and her moves were graceful. Her arms and legs carried her like an angel floating through the air. The way she moved her hands and arms was mesmerizing. I have always loved and will always love to watch her perform in ballet. 

From the twinkle twos where she began at the same ballet school until now at age 10. To see her grow and blossom through the years is an experience like no other. Watching her perform now brought images of her from 2 years leading up to this moment. I saw pictures flashing before me as you do in a movie flashback montage. The photos were so crisp and clear but in between them all I was brought back to the current recital. I was glad they did the dance twice because I didn’t want to miss a moment of it. But I was so happy to see all the images in my head as I did. The music carried me and allowed me to reminisce on all the stages of her ballet classes. It was a beautiful moment but what made it complete was looking to my left and seeing the priceless expression on my husband’s face as he watched his daughter float through the room. Once the dances were over and we were able to go up to Isannah she reached out to hug us. She was proud and so excited and we were proud and so excited for her. Pictures were taken of her, us and her ballet bestfriend. The journey they are both experiencing together will be with them wherever they go. Friendships and moments like this last a lifetime. 

As we were saying our good-byes to friends and the amazing Cobble Hill Ballet staff my mind was racing back to Giovanni. How was his game? Did he notice I wasn’t cheering at the top of my lungs and did it bother him? Did he make it across the fields and through the park to meet my parents at the entrance? How did it go and how is he feeling?

I text my mom and kept in close communication until Isannah, Asher and I arrived home. Not shortly after Giovanni walked in smiling with my parents trailing in behind him. He was so excited and told us all about being at the game on his own (without us for the first time) and how easy it was to get to where Nonna was waiting. He spoke about the game and all that happened. It was his very first time walking through the park alone. What an experience for him!

It was a Saturday filled with many things, many emotions and accomplishments. I was so proud of both. 

Let’s get to Sunday. We had to all rise bright and early for Giovanni’s make up baseball game that was initially cancelled due to rain. We had to be at the ballpark at 8:30am and on a Sunday. The sun was already bursting with heat. The heat was coming down on the players hard but they kept on going. The Imposters were losing 1-0 until Giovanni was up at bat. First swing was a strike, second a ball, the third went to him and he swung with all his might. Contact and a hit to first base driving home a run. Although Giovanni was out at first he tied the game. A runner came in and it was 1-1. The excitement and cheers filled the park. We have a great team, coaches and parents. The energy is always so alive and supportive. 

Giovanni’s next at bat was a strong hit. He got to first and I can see his face was lighting up even through his mask. He was ready to go. After stealing second and third he was waiting for his team to bring him home which they did. I believe this was one of Giovanni’s best at bats. 

It was a beautiful weekend. The weather was great. The people we encountered and met along the way were comforting and the kids were motivating, inspiring, happy and supportive which made us proud. 

Special thanks to the family and friends that made this weekend possible so we didn’t miss moments that will be carried and lift us in memories throughout our journey.

The Spanish Dance

Every year around this time Isannah performs in the Nutcracker for Cobble Hill Ballet. Leading up to this time she gets so excited and begins talking about what part she will play when she auditions. Every year she tells me how much closer she is to auditioning for the part of Clara. In her ballet school you have to be a certain age to audition for Clara. And boy has she been counting the years. 

This year with all that is going on with COVID they are unable to perform the Nutcracker at the theater. Isannah was really sad about it but still happy that her ballet school was coming up with a plan to bring the Nutcracker to their students. Classes were given a dance to work on and Isannah’s class was doing the Spanish Dance.

She would sneak in her room and practice in private so she wouldn’t ruin the surprise for us. She was pretty giddy and the smiles were real as she left her room. Those smiles are definitely needed right now. Anything that can keep her smiling makes me happy. Her love for ballet is definitely one of them. 

This year the costumes weren’t distributed. The girls in her class were able to create or use something they had that was red. They could make it all up as long as the costume made them feel comfortable and happy to perform. 

It took Isannah quite a while to figure out what she was wearing and how she wanted to style her hair. It all finally came together and she was happy with her selection. 

On the day of her performance, her nerves set in. She was nervous but in an excited happy way. She quickly got dressed and was ready for me to apply some make up. She had been looking forward to wearing red lipstick. Sadly, there was no point in wearing lipstick when her lips would be hiding behind a face mask. 

The time had come to make our way to ballet. As we were walking out the door Isannah turned to me and said, “everyone usually comes to see me in the Nutcracker. Bubbe and Bubba come to visit all the way from Chicago. Nonna, Nonno and everyone else is excited to see me. This time no one will be there to take pictures, to cheer or to wave to me from the audience. It will just be me and my friends in class.” I could tell she was beginning to feel a little down. I quickly changed the subject to something that could bring her joy again. After all, her ballet school was recording the performance to be able to share it with family members and friends. We are all very much looking forward to watching her performance together.  

This year we were missing a lot of family. The excitement of the audience cheering. The waves and screams of support and love. The rushing around to get her to all her shows on time and the many flowers she would be presented with. 

We missed a lot but we still had a happy ballerina working hard to perform her heart out which she did. 

This is my beautiful ballerina.